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Why use a Ray White Property Manager?

Many landlords attempt to manage their investment properties, as property management can appear on the surface to be straightforward and simple. While the ‘DIY’ approach is suitable for some landlords with the time, knowledge and aptitude to handle all aspects of managing rental properties, there are a number of very good reasons to consider engaging a professional property manager:

  • What do you do when a tenant falls behind in their rent? Are you assertive enough to chase up late rent payments?
  • How would you handle a tribunal hearing?
  • Are you happy to be on-call 24/7?
  • Is there someone who is capable and knowledgeable to manage the property when you’re away?
  • Do you know how to do thorough checks on potential tenants?
  • Do you keep comprehensive and accurate records?
  • Are you an expert at property inspections?
  • Are you staying up to date with all the changes in tenancy law?

Our fees are tax deductible – why would you take on the stress, spend the time and take the risk of doing it yourself?

Meet our Property Managers:

Sarath Prasad
Rozanne Lavea
Nasir Bhuiyan
Jithin Sreekumar